
The city is ideally sized for walking, and nearly all of the items of historical/artistic interest are within easy walking distance of the city center, right in front of the Capilla de la Peregrina. Local buses are available and reasonably priced, and taxis are plentiful. Fares are typically small because distances are not large.

Car Rentals unnecessary in the city, but may be useful to tour the countryside:

Avis c/Peregrina, 49 (http://www.avis.es) - Tel.: 986852025 - Fax: 986855992

Europcar railway station or c/Calvo Sotelo (http://www.europcar.es) - Tel: 986853150 - Fax: 986864198

National Atesa bus station or c/Calvo Sotelo (http://www.atesa.es) - Tel: 986844012